Anyone can find the dirt, you be the one to find gold

My blog is inspired by an Instagram post that I wrote two years ago, but as it is very relevant for our current time, I’ve decided to share it once more. We can never underestimate the power of repetition!
The blog quote is a paraphrase of a scripture found in Proverbs 11:27.
The actual verse says: ‘that he who diligently seeks good, seeks favor and grace. But he who seeks evil, evil will come to him’.

Take your time and read that again…..
And then ask yourself the following questions; can you easily see positive characteristics and traits in yourself and in others? Even in dire situations and in people you don’t like? Or are you inclined to focus on the negative and everything’s that is wrong in a person or situation? And then ask yourself the following questions; can you easily see positive characteristics and traits in yourself and in others? Even in dire situations and in people you don’t like?
Or are you inclined to focus on the negative and everything’s that is wrong in a person or situation?

You see it’s quite human to only remember and focus on the negative. We’ve all been guilty of doing so and there will always be Debbie Downers in our midst. We just tend to see the wrong in everything. And when we continue to focus on the negative it just seems to get bigger and bigger. Until it totally eclipses the good and all you see is evil and negativity.

This process described is found in today’s quote and is confirmed by scientific research. Focusing on the negative is like an oil stain that keeps on expanding. When you focus on the negatives in your life, you might start to believe that your life sucks. You’ll only see what’s wrong in your life, in you and in everything around you.
And guess what happens to your confidence and self esteem?

Hmmm… yes that will take a horrible blow, because you won’t be able to see past your flaws and embrace your own beauty, intelligence, talents and all the wonderful things that make you special.

To focus on the good doesn’t mean that you’re blind to the bad. To focus on the good doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t strive to become better everyday. But just remember that you can also develop and grow in skills, talents and characteristics that you‘re already good at. You can grow from being good at something into excelling and mastering your craft and skills.

In our current situation and era I would like to challenge you, to not only focus on the bad and the ugly. But to look for the gold in you, in your life, in others and in all circumstances.
You’ll be surprised at how many treasures you’ll find!

Love Amelia❤️


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